We improve
health and care processes.
Good medical is offering unique quality product for the health care sector with amazing quality and environmental responsibility.
Swedens Solution Provider to Global Medtech Industries
Our manufacturing and technical processes provide you with the highest quality and value oriented solutions. Our Medical Excellence processes and culture guides us in all aspects of our medical business. This approach allows us to focus on quality combined with consistent, lean and efficient delivery to better serve you and your patients.

AireRx Op Mat relieves pressure when standing up during long sessions, i.e. improved ergonomics during surgery and other types of standing work.

Swedens Solution Provider to Global Medtech Industries
About Svenska Good Medical
We started Svenska Good Medical AB in 2009 with the idea to provide high-quality Swedish-made and self-produced products that are designed and protected via intellectual property rights by Svenska Good Medical AB. We value our customers and longlasting relationships and one of our most important values is that our products are being made in Sweden and are environmentally friendly.